Steve’s Blog
Founder of IQ Wealth® Management Accredited Investment Fiduciary®Fight Inflation With High Quality INCREASING Dividends–Get A Raise Every Year
Inflation is everywhere you look. The price of gas, food, and just about everything you need and want to live--all rising relentlessly. The "experts" say it is just temporary. Here's the problem: had the current administration taken action to foresee and preempt...
Is There A Difference Between A Dip and a Crash? Yes.
While the stock market may dip due to the PSYCHOLOGICAL effects of a recession or unexpected event, there is a big difference between a dip and a crash. Why do I emphasize the word "psychological" here? Because psychology drives the market, not money. The broad market...
Why Past Performance Should Never Be Relied Upon To Predict Future Results
Researchers at Yale and MIT have completed Nobel Laureate research on potential retirement outcomes for today's retirees. The reason the picture is not pretty for many Baby Boomers, even those with million dollar+ portfolios, is just what you might...
Can We Slow Down The Aging Process? Yes, A Little. Here’s How Medical Experts Are Doing It
How to Help Prevent Aging There is no magic pill that will keep us from getting older. Trendy fashions, dancing like no one’s watching and laughing with friends can make you feel young and invincible, but it won’t stop the process. Aging is biological, and inevitable....
Q. Should You Buy An Annuity At Fidelity or Vanguard? A. Probably Not, and Here’s Why.
Here's the deal: There are vast differences between annuity payouts when compared with the more than 1200 available. Both Fidelity and Vanguard rank in the middle of the pack. For your retirement, why not the best? We all want the most for our money and that is...
What If You Never Had To Worry About Another Market Crash?
What if you never had to worry about another market crash as long as you live, while at the same time having more guaranteed income than you’ll ever need? Might that change the way you see your future? Might you worry a little less? Once a person retires, it is normal...
Ready, Set, Retire…OK, So Now What?
Something that seemed so far away when you started your first job—is suddenly here. You’ve dreamed and fantasized about the days when your time can truly be your own. But now, as retirement is coming faster with the close of each workday, are you truly ready? Or, if...
Q. Why does the grumpy TV billionaire hate annuities? A. Because he’s a billionaire.
The joy and solid feeling you get from knowing your money will protect your life and your lifestyle as long as you live is a good one. Billionaires get that feeling because it is pretty hard to screw up a plan that starts out with a billion dollars. But let's face...
Plan Your Retirement Like You Mean It
Over the past century, markets have crashed A DOZEN TIMES, several times by more than fifty percent, leaving investor’s dreams in disarray for YEARS. Not only is money lost, but TIME is lost. It takes time to build up a nest egg. The last thing anyone wants is to...
Can you still retire on a million dollars? Yes, but it could be time for a change in your investments. Here’s Why.
Most people have a primary source for their investment advice and ideas, whether it’s a friend, a relative, a newspaper or online columnist, a stockbroker, an advisor or a planner. But, I believe, too many people are far too casual about where they turn to for advice....