Medicare And Health Insurance

Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans for Arizona Free help with Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance,, and alternatives.

How do you compare Arizona Medicare Supplemental Insurance Plans?

With medical costs rising and health insurance benefits decreasing, Medicare–all by itself– is not enough to pay all the bills most most people incur. Without a supplemental “Medi-gap”policy to go with your original Medicare coverage, you could be risking a financial disaster in the event of a major illness or the need for major surgeries.

Inexpensive MEDI-GAP Supplement Plans

The good news is that high quality Medi-gap supplement plans are very inexpensive in relation to the exceptional benefits they provide. For a mere $100 to $150 a month, you can own the equivalent of a “cadillac” plan with no or low deductibles and zero co-pays. Many people would say it is that Medicare coverage plus a solid Medicare Supplement = the greatest health insurance you can own in the world bar none. That being said, you must compare plans carefully!  At IQ Wealth Management, we offer top plans through AARP and Mutual of Omaha. You won’t find better coverage anywhere and the pricing is excellent. Let us help you with this important decision.

What is the difference between Medicare and Medicare Advantage?

There is a huge difference between owning Medicare with a supplement vs owning Medicare Advantage insurance. Medicare is a true, direct health insurance plan that together with a good medi-gap supplement, will allow you to travel outside of your home county and still have coverage.

Medicare Advantage (aka Medicare Part C)  is truly not an advantage at all for many people. It is run by a private insurance company as an HMO. It limits your choices of doctors and hospitals and you have no coverage outside of your home county. We do not recommend Medicare Advantage except in the case of very low income, home bound patients.

Steps to Take Now

If you are 64:

  1. Start planning to enroll for Medicare at Medicare.Gov.
  2. Call us at (480)902-3333. We will walk you through it and make things very clear and simple
  3. Realize that you have a seven month period to enroll, or perhaps face a permanent lifetime penalty of 10% on both Medicare and Plan D drug coverage
  4. The 7 month period includes your birthday month, the three months before your birthday month, and the three months AFTER your birthday month.
  5. Don’t miss your enrollment period!  There is no health qualifying in your first year of eligibility, so this is your year to really get it right.

If you are over 65, and already on a plan that you wish to change

  1. Contact our office at (480)902-3333. We can help you choose from your best options.
  2. With over 17 years experience in the field of Medicare and health insurance, we will guide you with the facts, not sales pressure.

If you are 45-64, and feeling “stuck” with, you are not alone

  1. Contact our office at (480)902-3333. We can help you choose from your best options for high quality health insurance at half the price of
  2. With over 17 years experience in the field of Medicare and health insurance, we will guide you with the facts, not sales pressure.
Medicare Advantage (aka Medicare Part C)  is truly not an advantage at all for many people. It is run by a private insurance company as an HMO. It limits your choices of doctors and hospitals and you have no coverage outside of your home county. We do not recommend Medicare Advantage except in the case of very low income, home bound patients.

We’re in Your Corner

Without a doubt, the United States health insurance system known as Medicare is the most comprehensive, benefit rich system of insurance in the world-if used and supplemented properly. To buy the insurance coverage that is offered through Medicare plus a low cost supplement would cost you anywhere from half to every penny of your Social Security income checks, depending on how much you receive! It is a great deal and something that you paid into your whole life. It is very easy to make a permanent Medicare mistake, however. And unfortunately, some Medicare mistakes are permanent in nature. We can help you avoid mistakes and get the best Medicare and Health insurance coverage in Arizona.  We want YOU to succeed and have the most worry-free, trouble-free retirement you can have. Let’s talk soon. Call Barb and ask for Steve or Shelley Grandidge. To schedule a free no-obligation phone call, click here.