Retirement Radio USA Podcasts
In pursuit of a ” Work-Optional Lifestyle?” Learn How To Retire And STAY Retired: Join Scottsdale Financial Planner Steve Jurich, AIF® for The “Common Sense Financial Hour” aka MASTERING MONEY — on Money Radio am 1510 , DAILY at 8am and 11am, with updates M-F at 4:30pm. Podcasts 24/7 on the Mastering Money APP (Android) and i Tunes (Apple). Or, simply visit RetirementRadioUSA.comRecent Episodes
Mastering Money 9/17/24
Check out this episode!
Daily IQ Retirement Brief 9/17/24
Daily IQ Retirement Brief 9/16/24
Mastering Money 9/16/24
Today on Mastering Money…It’s a MOTLEY FOOL MONDAY!! The Motley Fool Money Show is one of the most popular stock market TALK SHOWS in America today, featuring timely insights from top analysts. “MOTLEY FOOL MONEY” is heard by millions of listeners coast to coast—including Saturdays right here on Money Radio at 5pm! First we’ll update breaking financial news and get a read on all the indexes, THEN, we’ll take you to an exclusive broadcast of the Motley Fool Money Show, with fresh ideas to help you become a more informed investor. Steve will cap it off with proven money-making and money-SAVING ideas that you DON’T want to miss! — A jam-packed show –and we’re READY TO ROLL ! … MASTERING MONEY IS ON THE AIR!!!
Mastering Money 9/13/24
The Washington D.C. Office Market Is in Trouble No Matter Who Wins the Election, says the Wall Street Journal. Currently, the Biden administration struggles to get members of federal workforce back to the office on a more regular basis. It is causing a major problem with office leasing in many major cities, including DC. A report on that in the Market Intel segment, then Medicare expert Shelley Grandidge joins us. MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!
Daily IQ Retirement Brief 9/13/24
Mastering Money 9-12-24
So, can you explain the difference between cyclical and non-cyclical stocks? And should you own both right now, or neither? We’ll review exactly what is meant by cyclical and non-cyclical stocks in the Market Intel Segment today, and explain why—YES—you may want to own both in this crazy market. Then we’ll review an excellent book which came out recently–Morgan Housel’s “Same As Ever–A Guide To Things That Never Change.” MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!
Daily IQ Retirement Brief 9/12/24
Mastering Money 9/11/24
Millennials are taking a stand for America, in a throwback to 1940s ideals. It’s downright exciting because more and more of them want a better life, not victimhood or gender politics. We’ll hear some excerpts from a leading Millennial in the Market Intel Segment, then Medicare and Health insurance expert Shelley Grandidge joins us. MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!