
Steve’s Blog

Are You Making This D.U.M.B. Money Mistake?

With all the good news in the stock market and the economy (except for a hiccup here and there) it is easy to assume that we are sitting at a point in history that is ideal for the person about to retire. I take an entirely different viewpoint. I believe we have...

How To Predict Your Life Expectancy

When you are considering when to collect retirement benefits from Social Security or you are designing a financial plan to fund your full retirement, one important factor to take into account is how long you might live. A well conceived plan should include multiple,...

The 4 Important Phases of Your Financial Life

There are four basic phases to your financial life: 1) The Start Up Phase (age 20-35) where you are struggling to get ahold of your finances and get to a point where you can truly start saving, then comes 2) The Accumulation Phase (age 35 to 55) where you get serious...

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Learn how to reduce risk, lower your fees, and increase your income without annuitizing. Get 3 of Steve’s time-sensitive reports, plus…

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