Steve’s Blog
Founder of IQ Wealth® Management Accredited Investment Fiduciary®Will You Spend Less, or MORE, After You Retire? Some Interesting Research Findings That May Surprise You
So…how much money will you really spend in retirement? Probably a lot more than you think, says Dan Ariely, the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University writing in the Wall Street Journal. Ariely conducted an in-depth...
It’s Only Natural
It’s only natural--the speed at which you process information-- and your capacity to solve problems of logic--gradually diminishes with age. It doesn’t mean that you are old or over the hill at 65, 70, or 75. But it does mean the time may be right to pause for...
How Tom & Becky Solved Their Retirement Income Math Problem
Tom, age 60, an electrical engineer for a Phoenix area high tech firm, went to work right out of college. He began contributing to his 401(k), reaching a value of approximately $950,000. No pension was offered. Because he is retiring in the next few years, he...
Is Your 401(k) About To Roll Over…And Play Dead?
Can we agree that these are wobbly times for the economy, for real estate and for stocks? Perhaps that’s why many people are buying principal protected annuities with guaranteed lifetime income right now—especially as all or part of a 401(k) 403(b), 457 plan, or...
The Hidden Risks Of Bond Mutual Funds
Retirement planning is hard because safe, secure income is the key to a confident retirement. But here’s the real question: where do you find it? Bond mutual funds? They are often called “fixed income” investments, but are they safe? In my view, any asset that refers...
Will You Spend Less, or MORE, After You Retire? Some Interesting Research Findings That May Surprise You
So…how much money will you really spend in retirement? Probably a lot more than you think, says Dan Ariely, the James B. Duke Professor of Psychology and Behavioral Economics at Duke University writing in the Wall Street Journal.Ariely conducted an in-depth...
Financial Planning For Women: A Guide For Husbands
Women face a variety of unique challenges in retirement planning. Compared with men, they tend to live longer, they contribute less to tax-qualified accounts due to time out for motherhood, and therefore often have much smaller Social Security checks. When their...
Who Do You Trust?
By Steve Jurich, AIF® Family and friends may mean well, but may not give the right advice. When investing for retirement, you're likely to hear a lot of well-meaning guidance from family, friends, and others. As you weigh the potential benefits of well meaning advice...
The Case For Dividend Growth Stocks For Inflation & Recessions
GUEST POST: Written by Jonathan Weber for Sure Dividend. Rising interest rates, high inflation, and fears about a potential recession in the coming quarters have made for a couple of rough months for equity markets. But even during bear markets and market crashes, not...
How To Buy An I-Bond (Inflation Protected Bond), And Why You Should Avoid I-Bond ETFs.
2022 is an interesting year to say the least. With inflation being reported at a 40-year high, many people wonder—"hey—should I buy inflation protected treasury “I” bonds, known as TIPS?” Should YOU? To get a nice interest rate for a while on a $10,000...