
With politicians in Washington bent on adding to the national debt without mercy, more people want to do Roth conversions. The idea of being tax free for life has quite a ring to it!   As appealing as ROTH conversions sound, pain is involved so you need to be ready for it.  On top of that, they don’t always make sense– according to many CPAs– especially the closer you get to age 70 and above.   That said,  a Roth IRA can be a powerful tax planning tool. And, while tax rates are low courtesy of the Trump administration’s The Tax Cut and Jobs Act this may be your last best chance to get serious about converting. Today,  we’ll review  the conversion strategy known as “filling the middle brackets”, and another known as  “Back-Door Roth” strategy. Then Medicare expert Shelley Grandidge joins us for the Q & A.  A fact-filled show for you today that you surely don’t want to miss…… MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!  

Check out this episode!