
On an increasing basis, many retiring professionals are including annuities as part of their financial plans for retirement, but many also hesitate because they can’t get their heads around some of the words and terms they hear–like participation rate, caps, spreads, and income riders, That’s quite understandable, actually. Most of us tend to shy away from things that are outside of our immediate knowledge base, and no one likes feeling “dumb”. But for many people of retirement age, looking at stock and bonds, interest rates are too darn low and market risk is too darn high.   The idea of owning an annuity has a certain appeal because of the safety of principal, guarantees of income, and protection for heirs. But first you’ve got to get comfortable with the  terms. Well, good news! Today, we’ll take our time and explain each mysterious word,  so you can get clarity. An educational show you don’t want to miss….MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!

Check out this episode!