
Retirement Radio USA

In pursuit of a “Work-Optional” Lifestyle? Learn How To Retire And STAY Retired: Join Scottsdale Financial Planner Steve Jurich, AIF® for The “Common Sense Financial Hour” aka MASTERING MONEY —  on Money Radio am 1510 , DAILY at 8am and 11am, with updates M-F at 4:30pm. Podcasts 24/7 on the Mastering Money APP (Android) and i Tunes (Apple). Or, simply visit RetirementRadioUSA.com

Recent Episodes

Mastering Money 12/10/24

So, will AI, Artificial Intelligence, eliminate or CREATE jobs for humans? Today,  we review the work of Chris Mims of the Wall Street Journal in learning how humans are playing a role in the use of AI that may be irreplaceable—and what China is doing to set the stage for it’s major negotiations with the incoming administration. Timely topics both of them, MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!!

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Mastering Money 12/9/24

It’s a Larry Kudlow Monday!  Today on Mastering Money we feature a special podcast edition of Larry Kudlow’s terrific nationwide podcast. Having served as an economist in two presidential administrations–Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump–and having been an ‘A-list’ commentator on the two top business stations–CNBC and Fox Business–Larry’s insights are on the money. In each podcast he interviews top thought leaders from the worlds of investments, government, and the private sector.  Don’t miss today’s show with Larry and his special guest. MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!

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Mastering Money 12/6/24

The knife of inflation has cut into the climate change battle worldwide. Experts are pointing out that many climate change projects have simply gotten too expensive to complete . Worse yet, with the advent of AI, more fossil fuels than ever may now be needed to keep the grids going. A special report on a timely topic in the Market Intel segment,   then Shelley Grandidge joins us to talk Medicare and health insurance…MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!

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Mastering Money 12/5/24

So, can I interest you in a new Ferrari? Ferrari’s new model goes for a mere…wait for it…4 million dollars. You may not want to buy the car, but Barrons thinks you should buy the stock. We’ll review why they are touting it in the Market Intel Segment,  then we’ll focus on bucket planning for retirement, and why it works so well


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Mastering Money 12/4/24

 As Christmas approaches, customers are quitting luxury brands , reports the Wall Street Journal  –price hikes are simply going too far. Spending appears to be slowing down globally—luxury retailers have lost 50 million customers in two years. It could be sending an economic signal we look back on one day. The full report for you in the Market Intel segment,  then Shelley Grandidge joins us to talk about Medicare. MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!

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