
Retirement Radio USA

In pursuit of a “Work-Optional” Lifestyle? Learn How To Retire And STAY Retired: Join Scottsdale Financial Planner Steve Jurich, AIF® for The “Common Sense Financial Hour” aka MASTERING MONEY —  on Money Radio am 1510 , DAILY at 8am and 11am, with updates M-F at 4:30pm. Podcasts 24/7 on the Mastering Money APP (Android) and i Tunes (Apple). Or, simply visit RetirementRadioUSA.com

Recent Episodes

Mastering Money 11/27/24

America’s overeating and lack of activity problem has put a record number of people in the overweight to morbidly obese category. GLp1 medications like Ozempic and Mounjaro are now getting considered for insurance plans. We’ll tell you why in the Market Intel segment as this insurance news could push up stocks like Eli Lilly even further.  Then Shelley Grandidge joins us to talk about Medicare and health insurance benefits, pricing, and deadlines–MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!

Check out this episode!

Mastering Money 11/26/24

Americans bought over 300 million dollars in retail goods online last year. That brings e-commerce to about 16.2% of all retail sales in the U.S.–right about where we were before the pandemic.  Coming up next, we’ll review who the winners and losers are in the new era of retail, (and isn’t necessarily Amazon blowing away the field.) Then we’ll explain how to invest your retirement money in the new administration–a guide for successful retirees you won’t want to miss.  MASTERING MONEY is on the air!!!

Check out this episode!

Mastering Money 11/25/24

Today on Mastering Money…It’s a MOTLEY FOOL MONDAY!! The Motley Fool Money Show is one of the most popular stock market TALK SHOWS in America today, featuring timely insights from top analysts.    “MOTLEY FOOL MONEY”  is heard by millions of listeners coast to coast—including Saturdays right here on Money Radio at 5pm!  First we’ll update breaking financial news and get a read on all the indexes, THEN,  we’ll take you to an exclusive broadcast of the Motley Fool Money Show, with fresh ideas to help you become a more informed investor. Steve will cap it off with proven money-making and money-SAVING ideas that you DON’T want to miss! — A jam-packed show –and we’re READY TO ROLL !    … MASTERING MONEY IS ON THE AIR!!!  

Check out this episode!

Mastering Money 11/22/24

Phoenix has emerged from the pandemic as one of America’s eviction capitals–more evictions per capita than most cities in the USA. Maricopa County holds one of the highest eviction rates in the country, at 16 filings per 100 renter households during the past year. The full Wall Street Journal report in the Market Intel Segment,  then Shelley Grandidge joins us to talk about Medicare. MASTERING MONEY  is on the air!!!

Check out this episode!

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