Our Pholosophy

At IQ Wealth, we believe you have more important things to do than worry about money. Money is valuable because it buys you time. The better and more reliable your cash flow, the more time you have to enjoy what’s important.
Money is Freedom and Time is our Most Precious Commodity.

“How did it get so late so soon?”
— Dr. Seuss

Freedom in Retirement

Freedom is being able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it—without the worry that you will one day run out of money. Our clients share in the realization that by coordinating and managing key financial decisions today, they can achieve their important goals for tomorrow. We can’t control outside events, but we can control our personal steps to attaining goals. World Events May Not Always Be Kind To Our Nest Eggs.  Let’s Build A Plan Together To Help Insure Your Income, Insure Your Outcomes, and Invest The Rest With Purpose. ®   “…Today, Not Tomorrow, Together, Not Alone.”
  • “If Your Ship Doesn’t Come In, Swim Out To It.” — Jonathan Winters
  • “The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.” — William Arthur Ward
  • “Fear not that thy life shall come to an end, but rather that it shall never have a beginning.” — John Henry Newman

first principles

Our investment philosophy is formed in part by the current economy, where previously unimagined circumstances have become long-term trends. Welcome to the “wild and wooley” 2020s. Because of the reduced time in retirement to recover from bear markets, we believe your approach to investing needs to reflect that. One you reach the age of 60, you may see three to five more serious bear markets and recessions in your lifetime. What’s your plan? If you can’t answer that question to your own deep satisfaction, we’re here to help. Ready for the next step?  Schedule your Free Review here, or call us at 480-902-3333