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401k & IRA Rollover

More Than Enough Income

Continue to Grow Your Money
Maintain Ample Liquidity
A Retirement Plan You Can Trust

Making Your 401k a True “Retirement Plan”

They say your 401k is your “Retirement Plan”, but in actuality, it’s simply a tax deferred holding of assets. It’s how you USE those assets that allows your 401k to become the bedrock for a rock solid retirement plan. Gathering the resources for a comfortable retirement is to be commended. You’ve accumulated your wealth over many years—you’ve planted the seeds, you stuck with it and paid your dues. Now it’s time for your 401(k) to replace your income from work and start paying YOU.

Don’t Forget

It’s important to remember that Retirement isn’t just an achievement, it’s also a TRANSITION—a transition from the contribution and accumulation phase of your life to the income distribution phase of your life.

The Retirement Transition

When you retire you say goodbye to your salary, which has provided for you and your family for many years. Every two weeks, you’ve been paying IN. Now it’s time to start taking money OUT. Your investment strategy must change and likely you’ll need to shift from all growth assets to a portion dedicated to fixed income. Think about the next ten years. Do you have any idea what the world will look like as you age? Of course not, no one does. That’s why a retirement focused purely on growth assets is extremely risky.


Shifting part of your investment focus to fixed income will protect you against sudden market shocks.

Reasonable Risk in Retirement

A general rule of thumb for allocating your money is to take the number 100 and subtract your age from it. The number left over is the highest percentage of your portfolio that you want at risk. So if you’re 55, only 45% of your portfolio should be at risk. In 10 years you’d be 65, and at that time only 35% of your portfolio should be at risk—and so on.


You’re not 35 anymore. It’s time to dial down the risk. The problem comes in retirement when you start relying on your unreliable mutual funds to replace your income from work.

Start Planning for Income

Consider the likelihood that you and your spouse’s retirement could easily last 30 years or more. If you currently spend $80,000 per year for your living expenses—over 30 years that’s $2.4 million. This means that you’ll need at least that much income delivered to your door in cash every month throughout your retirement. And that’s without factoring in inflation. Considering inflation, someone spending $120,000 per year could easily need at least $4.8 million throughout retirement. Sure social security covers part of that, but where will you get the rest?

Key Point

You dedicate the right amount of assets to fixed income to deliver the income you’ll need from now on, no matter what. Then, you dedicate the rest to continue growing your money, while keeping an ample portion in liquid assets.

Building Your Financial Blueprint

Financial Bucketing takes the guesswork out of building a financial plan built to protect you and yours in the bad times—while taking advantage of opportunity in good times. It’s your financial blueprint—and it is exactly where you want to go with your 401(k).

The Facts

In the accumulation phase of your life, your salary protected you from market fluctuation and loss. Removing your salary, what will protect you from market fluctuation and loss now?

You “Bucket” Believe It

Okay, we admit it, bad pun. But it’s important to remember that, while you need fixed income, you don’t want to go all the way to the income-only extreme because a retirement focused purely on fixed income is extremely conservative. This is why so many retiring professionals are waking up to the proven concept of Financial Bucketing.

Allocate to Win

You dedicate the right amount of assets to fixed income to deliver the income you’ll need from now on, no matter what. Then, you dedicate the rest to continue growing your money, while keeping an ample portion in liquid assets.

The First Steps

Request a call or meeting using the form on this page.

Retirement Review

Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), Steve Jurich with IQ Wealth® Management in Scottsdale helps his clients review their retirement plan and 401k options with no sales pressure.

Free Retirement Review

Future Proof Your 401k, 403b, or Rollover IRA

IQ Wealth® Smarter Bucketing System

At IQ Wealth®, we believe smarter planning is the key to a work-optional lifestyle. Our unique process, Smarter Bucketing™ and our “40-40-20” allocation system work together to help simplify retirement investing. It can dramatically change your financial life.

Bucket planning is a common-sense system of allocating money according to its purpose. When each dollar in your portfolio has a job to do—and a timeline for getting it done—your financial plan is more clear and realistic. You stop speculating with emotion and start investing with a plan. Don’t let your 401k rollover… and play dead. Let’s look the future in the eye with the right financial plan: Smarter Bucketing™.


Pay Ongoing Living Expenses for Both Spouses For Life. Very Low Risk & 100% Liquidity. Maintain 3 to 6 months living surplus.


Continuously Fill the Cash Bucket for Life. Insured, Reliable, and Secure. Lifetime Income for both Spouses.


Grow Capital Over Time & Avoid Tapping For Income at Inopportune Times. High grade Dividend Growth and Technology Portfolios.

Tax Planning

Insure Your Estate and Guard Against Inflation. Protect your Heirs & Estate. Cut Costs and Minimize Taxes.

Free Retirement Review

Future Proof Your 401k, 403b, or Rollover IRA

Fixed Income

Dips in the market can have drastic effects on capital, income, and lifestyle which no one can afford to ignore when planning a retirement. Your fixed income must be protected in a its own bucket, separate from growth—and doesn’t dip when the market does. In fact, the ideal fixed income asset is completely unaffected by market declines.

Income First

In the accumulation phase of your life, your salary protected you from market fluctuation and loss. However, in retirement, your salary no longer exists to create income and defend your lifestyle. This is why reliable fixed income assets become a vital part of any healthy retirement plan.


Taking care of your fixed income comes first and many people look at bonds hoping that it will be enough—it’s not. The problem comes in retirement when you’re relying on your stocks and bonds to replace your salary’s income. In your working years, you are BUYING on the dips. But in retirement, you are SELLING on the dips. Not good.


You don’t want a bond fund paying three or four percent, when you can have something that can pay much more income than that—with the same or better security.

Real Estate

Real Estate can result in strong income, but it does come with having to maintain and manage the properties. Every property will require some amount of dealing with tenants, toilets, air conditioners, and trash. Typically, we’ve found that the older a person gets the less they want to deal with the stress and the work.


Real Estate income is NOT guaranteed and it is NOT recession proof. Remember, your tenants are affected by the markets and economy too.


When real estate seems too risky or too work intensive, it leads many people to the other source of higher paying fixed income, retirement annuities. The advantage to annuities includes no hassle, plus rock solid asset backed guarantees. Annuities can be a smart choice, but it’s important to remember that not all annuities are created equal. There are actually four different types of annuities: Immediate, Variable, Fixed, and Fixed Index.


Annuities from legal reserve life insurance companies are licensed and audited by all 50 states. By comparing, you can find the right annuity that will provide you with more than enough income for life, protect your from market loss, and protect your heirs.

Types of Annuities

The Annuities of Old are a Thing of the Past


If you’ve ever heard a cautionary tale about annuities taking your money when you die, they are likely talking about Immediate Annuities. Immediate annuities are the least popular form of annuity and are rarely (if ever) recommended by experts.


Variable annuities can produce lifetime income, but they usually don’t have the level of income security that your annuity is supposed to provide. And if you’ve ever been warned about “High Annuity Fees”, they’re talking about variable annuities.


Fixed annuities are quite secure, but they don’t pay much more than CDs, and are like buying bonds. After the five year period, you have to start all over again with your planning efforts. Most people want a retirement plan that lasts, not one they have to redo every few years.

Fixed Index

You conservatively grow money without losses over time. When your market index goes up, your principal can gain, but when the index falls, you are protected and can’t lose. You don’t get all of the gains, but you get none of the losses. There is no annual management or advisor fee.

Past performance of any asset or index should never be relied upon to predict future results. No specific product or company being promoted. Guarantees rely on the financial strength of the issuing insurer. Not FDIC insured, not a bank deposit.

Next Generation Annuities

Receive fixed income for life, like a pension, and the insurance company won’t keep your money when you die. In the past, the only way you could get a lifetime income from an annuity was to “annuitize”, which means turning over your principal in exchange for income for life. That idea is dead and gone. For a smart person looking to retire and STAY retired with lasting high income—Next Generation Retirement Annuities can be the answer. There is no need to annuitize anymore because of the advent of the Guaranteed Lifetime Withdrawal Benefit— “GLWB” for short. These Next Generation Retirement annuities are nothing like old style annuities. Depending on age and deferral period, Next Generation annuities can pay a permanent income rate anywhere from 5% to 18% income guaranteed for life. But here’s the thing, it’s all about finding the right Next Generation annuity because some of them pay up to 40% more than others, which is why it’s important to compare with an experienced Fiduciary, preferably an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® and a Certified Annuity Specialist.®

Lifetime Annual Income Estimates

Next Generation Retirement Annuities

*TIME SENSITIVE. Interest rates on annuities can be fluid, especially when bond rates are moving. These rates reflect the highest incomes available as of May of 2024. These rates are single income for life. Joint income rates are somewhat lower. All rates of annuity income rely upon the age of the annuitant and the length of time income is deferred. Deferring = delaying the start of your lifetime income. We compare 1200+ annuities. Rates locked in at time of application. These rates reflect the highest paying annuity rates available. Annuity buyers are encouraged to compare on the basis not only of income, but also accumulation potential, liquidity options, and company ratings.


See the color coding in the above chart.


Above example is age 64. The older you are, the higher the income.


The longer you defer, the higher the income.

Paid Monthly

Above figures are annual, income is paid monthly.

Licensed With All Carriers

We Independently Review 1200+ Annuities For You

The First Steps

Request a call or meeting using the form on this page.

Compare Annuities

Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), Steve Jurich with IQ Wealth® Management in Scottsdale helps his clients compare up to 1,200 annuities with no sales pressure.

Free Retirement Review

Future Proof Your 401k, 403b, or Rollover IRA

Black Diamond Dividend Growth Portfolio

For conservative to moderate investors seeking stable, professional dividend stock selection based on strict rules. We require proven dividend consistency (often double the dividend yield of the S&P 500®), investment grade credit rating, price to earning value ratio (PE) lower than the S&P 500®, and high volume/liquidity fundamentals. We require 10 consecutive years or more of dividend increases. The Black Diamond Dividend Growth™ Portfolio seeks alpha with lessened risk. Out team automatically reinvests your dividends every 90 days until you elect to “spend” the dividends. May act as a future inflation hedge. As a strategy, the compounding of reinvested dividends over the long run has helped many investors grow capital over time.

Blue Diamond Technology Leaders Portfolio

For the moderate to aggressive investor, the Blue Diamond Technology Leaders™ Portfolio stays focused on big, medium, and small tech leaders utilizing both individual stocks and Sector ETFs. A selection process based on earnings growth, momentum, and earnings surprises guides the selection of growth and momentum companies we tactically select within the strategy. While the Black Diamond Dividend Growth™ portfolio focuses on the everyday needs of consumers, the Blue Diamond looks for growth opportunities in areas including artificial intelligences, cybersecurity, aerospace and defense, robotics, online retail, data management, mobility, travel, homebuilders, and more.

Black Diamond “MAG 7” Dividend Portfolio

For the moderately aggressive investor, the Black Diamond “MAG 7” Dividend™ Portfolio builds on a foundation of dividend growth stocks found in the Black Diamond Dividend Growth™ Portfolio, side-by-side with an allocation to large cap growth and the Magnificent 7 stocks. This is a “70-30” allocation—70% in quality dividend growth stocks along side approximately 30% “Magnificent 7” and large growth ETFs. For reference, the S&P 500® is a “70-30” portfolio with 7-10 stocks contributing 30% of the weight. The balance of stocks in the index, aka the “S&P 493” has show much less growth and very few dividends overall. Our thesis is that investors are better positioned in a portfolio of Black Diamond Dividend stalwarts—rather than the “S&P 493”, alongside the Magnificent 7+ large cap growth.

Buffered Index Investments

Seeking an investment to track the S&P 500, but with a 24/7 stop loss? Buffered index variable annuities with no surrender charges may be your answer. 100% participation rate to the upside, but with a 30% protective buffer against loss-to the downside. An innovative approach to seeking gains while substantially reducing risk.

Free Retirement Review

Future Proof Your 401k, 403b, or Rollover IRA


What happens when I become a client?

Becoming a client is a process at IQ Wealth, and we work to make it quite a pleasant one. Typically there are two to three meetings:
  1. Discovery
  2. Plan creation
  3. implementation.
Implementation can begin in the second meeting if all is satisfactory on both sides. We believe in education and clarity—there is never an ounce of sales pressure. We want only the best for our clients, aiming for a world class financial planning experience with a hometown touch.

Are there any advisor fees for annuities?

The good news is that the annuities we recommend have zero advisory fees. There are also no management fees. We are compensated by the insurance company, yet 100% of your money goes to work on day one with no deductions. We’re able to work with 50+ different companies acting as an independent agency, helping our clients compare with a fiduciary mindset.

What are your management fees for your investment portfolios?

Our fee arrangement is very simple. We charge one flat fee of 0.95%, which is all inclusive. You pay no transaction fees, no commissions, no junk fees. Our minimum is typically $200,000 but we can work with portfolios of $100,000+. Fees may be negotiable to some extent on portfolios of $1,000,000+.

What are your qualifications?

Accredited Investment Fiduciary (AIF®), Certified Annuity Specialist (CAS®), Certified Income Specialist (CIS™), Investment Manager. Our firm is an A+ ranked Accredited Member of the Better Business Bureau, licensed in securities and insurance.

How much do you charge for a retirement plan?

For our clients who begin the process of their rollover, implementing our recommendations, there is no charge. This includes a full retirement income projection based on guaranteed values (not hypotheticals), Social Security timing, and inflation protection strategies. We believe you need a written organized plan that you and your advisor can refer to and update as the years go along. This is a $1250 value that is free to clients only.

Where are you located?

Our office is conveniently located in Scottsdale, AZ:
(Please Note: We work by appointment only)

8777 N Gainey Center Drive
Suite 200
Scottsdale, AZ 85258

Free Retirement Review

Future Proof Your 401k, 403b, or Rollover IRA

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IQ Wealth Management® - Annuity Authority & Investment Manager - Scottsdale, AZ

Retirement Review

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